Roam Newsletter 漫游研究所周报 2020W52

by @Jimmy_JingLv
on December 21st, 2020:
:postbox: Roam Newsletter 漫游研究所周报 #2020W52

1/ Useful Twitter Thread: 在 YouTube 上学习与教学

learning and teaching on YouTube, a thread

— Ryan Muller (@cicatriz) December 20, 2020

2/ 在 Roam 通过 URL Scheme 与苹果生态的 Native 应用交互

: I’ve created a routine that allows you hyperlink from your Roam graph to… an e-mail message in Apple Mail!

Like a hyperlink to a webpage, but now you can open up an email associated with an entry. @roamhacker
, @RoamResearch
, @RoamBrain
, @RoamStack
, @roamtips

— Theo Koster (@Theo_Koster) December 20, 2020

3/ @visualizevalue
可视化图例的 Chrome 扩展程序,支持 Dark Mode

The Permissionless Apprenticeship in action:

The @visualizevalue
Chrome Extension

Built by @Gabriel07__


+ Dark Mode:

— Jack Butcher (@jackbutcher) December 20, 2020

4/ 使用 SmartBlock 和问题模板,自动生成跟书籍 Page 属性有关的 SRS 问题

After some hacking, I managed to create a @RoamResearch
smart block that reads attributes and generates a set of SRS questions based on a template – the book title/author/topic is just one example (I have several use cases).

— Stian Håklev (@houshuang) December 20, 2020

5/ 关于「刻意练习」的 Newsletter,刻意练习如何帮你达到任何技能的专家水平?

Working on a newsletter edition about deliberate practice.
Deliberate practice is crucial if you want to reach expert level in any skill, but what is it, and how can it help you learn more precisely?

A thread based on @augustbradley
‘s conversation with the late Anders Ericsson.
— Ramses Oudt (@rroudt) December 20, 2020

6/ 富兰克林:“告诉我,我会忘记;教给我,我可能记住;让我参与,我才能学会。”

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. — Benjamin Franklin

— butchersbot (@butchersbot) December 20, 2020

7/ roam42 作者画的文档示意图,SmartBlocks 支持的所有 Command 命令

Start simple & build. I am working on docs as we get close to launch of the Roam42 SmartBlocks feature & put together this visual of the command processing happening at a block level. 44 commands available. Date processing, serendipity wand, logic flow, & kitchen sink #roamcult

— RoamHacker :man:‍:wrench: (( (@roamhacker) December 23, 2020

8/ Roam 处于众多软件工具的中心位置,兼顾无代码定制性、插件扩展性、隐私安全性和随时随地的易用性。

only the avatar can master all four elements

don’t @ me

— (@AbhayPrasanna) December 24, 2020

9/ 通过 iOS 捷径快速记录想法(加上日期),再统一转移到 Roam Research

I made an iOS Shortcut for the #roamcult
that brings Daily Notes to the Notes app
It lets you append entries to a central note and automatically date stamp them in Roam style

Then just export the whole note to Roam occasionally. Much faster than exporting notes 1 by 1 @Conaw

— Noah Parker (@heyNoahParker) December 18, 2020

10/ Roam 能做的远比现在要多得多,我们可以将其分为数据库层、服务层和表现层,借助 Roam API 将会有更多的玩法儿

Been thinking about the architecture behind @RoamResearch
, where it’s going, and how it fits into a larger toolbox.
Broke it out into the following layers:
∙ Database
∙ Service
∙ Presentation

Easier for me to think about it this way.

— (@DavidCrandall_W) June 8, 2020

11/ 特殊的 漫游符号,现在很多 roamcult 都加上了这个符号 :joy:

Roam Twitter, what do you see:
For users who see anything other than the symbol in the picture:

1. Go here:

2. Download and install the Google font “Noto Sans Linear B”

Should show up for you after that. #roamcult

— (@DavidCrandall_W) December 16, 2020

12/ 更好的 Page Embed 样式,去除了不必要的 Linked References(存在无限重复套娃)

Experimenting with alternative CSS for page embeds in #Roam
: removing references and making it blend more with the rest. Also moving around the reference number and using it as “open/close” button. What do you think? 🙂 #roamcult

— CatoMinor (@CatoMinor3) December 23, 2020

13/ 阻挡我们进步的最大障碍是自我认同,为了保持行为的前后一致性,从而决定自己的下一步行动。其实不然,现在就迈开这一步!

The biggest obstacle between us and change is our self identity – we always feel like whatever we do next must be somewhat aligned with what we did before. Now is a good time to jump over that obstacle
— Anne-Laure Le Cunff (@anthilemoon) December 24, 2020

14/ 用 CSS 来装饰你的 Roam 圣诞节主题 :christmas_tree:

A new article on Medium, this time about giving your #roam
a Christmas theme ;). #roamcult

Friendly link:

— CatoMinor (@CatoMinor3) December 23, 2020

15/ 在 Roam 里面永远不用担心自己该写什么主题,查看你的 “All Pages” 找到那个被提及最多的内容。

Hot tip. If you’re using @RoamResearch
you shouldn’t ever have to wonder what to write about next. Go to “All Pages” and sort pages by the number of mentions. Scroll past the highly repetitive metadata/Readwise stuff and find the topics that come up most often. cc @soenke_ahrens

— Kyle Harrison (@kwharrison13) December 23, 2020

16/ Obsidian 仿 Roam 样式大纲主题 :joy: :art:

found the best Obsidian theme and css snippet.

— Steve Yang (@Steve_Yang331) December 23, 2020

17/ Roam JS
新扩展 演讲模式,Roam Newsletter 漫游研究所周报又可以迭代啦!

  • 论点 1
  • 结论 2
  • 总结

Demo video!

— David Vargas (@dvargas92495) December 24, 2020

NEW #roamcult
EXTENSION: Presentations!
Add a {{presentation}} button to a block, nesting under it all the content as children. Clicking the present button will then present the deck from directly within Roam!

For more, check out

— David Vargas (@dvargas92495) December 24, 2020

18/ Obsidian 2020 主题和插件一览,快来投票,选择你的最爱。看来程序员还是比较偏爱 Obsidian,各种工具插件的开发来得更加迅猛。

It’s now possible to vote on my #Obsidian
Graph over at
. This graph represents my struggle with #ADHD
and #PTSD
as I fight for a new #career
after my #COVID19
job loss. @wings_humming

— Pencoded ( he/him | they/them ) (@pen_coded) December 25, 2020

19/ 有意思的一张图,但感觉是否会吓跑用户呢?

Not sure whether my article images will attract or scare potential readers :D. #roam

— CatoMinor (@CatoMinor3) December 25, 2020

20/ SmartBlocks 的组织方式,最好在前面加上英文字母方便调用,当然通过;;调用时的顺序其实是按照字母排序的,可以按需加上数字排列优先级。

Curious how folks are organizing their @roamhacker
– my approach is here.

— (@AbhayPrasanna) December 25, 2020

21/ 原来 query 里面是支持 block reference 的,可以通过引用+标签的方式缩小搜索范围,更精准地筛选一篇文章当中的内容。

Just figured out that you can use block references in a @RoamResearch
query to limit scope – if you want to find all questions within a chapter of a book note for example. As opposed to my top level query that gets all questions from the entire book. Good for book club meetings.

— Stian Håklev (@houshuang) December 14, 2020