python standard library copy


源代码: Lib/


Interface summary:
        import copy
        x = copy.copy(y)        # make a shallow copy of y
        x = copy.deepcopy(y)    # make a deep copy of y

Python 中赋值语句不复制对象,而是在目标和对象之间创建绑定 (bindings) 关系。对于自身可变或者包含可变项的集合对象,开发者有时会需要生成其副本用于改变操作,进而避免改变原对象。本模块提供了通用的浅层复制和深层复制操作(如下所述)。


  • copy.copy ( x )

    返回 x 的浅层复制。

  • copy.deepcopy ( x [, memo ])

    返回 x 的深层复制。

  • exception copy.error


浅层复制和深层复制之间的区别仅与复合对象 (即包含其他对象的对象,如列表或类的实例) 相关:

  • 一个 浅层复制 会构造一个新的复合对象,然后(在可能的范围内)将原对象中找到的 引用 插入其中。
  • 一个 深层复制 会构造一个新的复合对象,然后递归地将原始对象中所找到的对象的 副本 插入。

深度复制操作通常存在两个问题, 而浅层复制操作并不存在这些问题:

  • 递归对象 (直接或间接包含对自身引用的复合对象) 可能会导致递归循环。
  • 由于深层复制会复制所有内容,因此可能会过多复制(例如本应该在副本之间共享的数据)。

The deepcopy() function avoids these problems by:


该模块不复制模块、方法、栈追踪(stack trace)、栈帧(stack frame)、文件、套接字、窗口、数组以及任何类似的类型。它通过不改变地返回原始对象来(浅层或深层地)“复制”函数和类;这与 pickle 模块处理这类问题的方式是相似的。

制作字典的浅层复制可以使用 dict.copy() 方法,而制作列表的浅层复制可以通过赋值整个列表的切片完成,例如, copied_list = original_list[:]

类可以使用与控制序列化(pickling)操作相同的接口来控制复制操作,关于这些方法的描述信息请参考 pickle 模块。实际上, copy 模块使用的正是从 copyreg 模块中注册的 pickle 函数。

想要给一个类定义它自己的拷贝操作实现,可以通过定义特殊方法 __copy__()__deepcopy__() 。 调用前者以实现浅层拷贝操作,该方法不用传入额外参数。 调用后者以实现深层拷贝操作;它应传入一个参数即 memo 字典。 如果 __deepcopy__() 实现需要创建一个组件的深层拷贝,它应当调用 deepcopy() 函数并以该组件作为第一个参数,而将 memo 字典作为第二个参数。



import copy
def displayList(text, dictOfElements) :
    for key , value in dictOfElements.items():
        print(key, " :: ", value)
def main():
    # Dictionary of strings and ints
    wordsDict = {
        "Hello": 56,
        "at" : 23 ,
        "test" : 43,
        "this" : 43,
        "who" : [56, 34, 44]
    Shallow Copying dictionaries using dict.copy()
    print("***** Shallow Copy *********")
    displayList("Original Dictionary : " , wordsDict)
    # create a Shallow copy  the original dictionary
    newDict = wordsDict.copy()
    # Modify the value of key in new dictionary
    newDict["at"] = 200
    print("Contents of copied dictionary changed")
    displayList("Modified copied dictionary : " , newDict)
    displayList("Original Dictionary : " , wordsDict)
    Modify the contents of list object in shallow copied dictionary will 
    modify the contents of original dictionary too because its a shallow copy. 
    print("Contents of list in copied dictionary changed")
    displayList("Modified copied dictionary : " , newDict)
    displayList("Original Dictionary : " , wordsDict)
    print("***** Deep Copy *******")
    displayList("Original Dictionary : " , wordsDict)
    # Create a deep copy of the dictionary
    otherDict = copy.deepcopy(wordsDict)
    displayList("Deep copy of  Dictionary : " , otherDict)
    Modify the contents of list object in deep copied dictionary will 
    have no impact on original dictionary because its a deep copy.
    displayList("Modified Deep copy of Dictionary : " , otherDict)
    displayList("Original Dictionary : " , wordsDict)
if __name__ == '__main__':


Original Dictionary : 
at  ::  23
this  ::  43
Hello  ::  56
test  ::  43
who  ::  [56, 34, 44]
Contents of copied dictionary changed
Modified copied dictionary : 
at  ::  200
this  ::  43
Hello  ::  56
test  ::  43
who  ::  [56, 34, 44]
Original Dictionary : 
at  ::  23
this  ::  43
Hello  ::  56
test  ::  43
who  ::  [56, 34, 44]
Contents of list in copied dictionary changed
Modified copied dictionary : 
at  ::  200
this  ::  43
Hello  ::  56
test  ::  43
who  ::  [56, 34, 44, 222]
Original Dictionary : 
at  ::  23
this  ::  43
Hello  ::  56
test  ::  43
who  ::  [56, 34, 44, 222]
***** Deep Copy *******
Original Dictionary : 
at  ::  23
this  ::  43
Hello  ::  56
test  ::  43
who  ::  [56, 34, 44, 222]
Deep copy of  Dictionary : 
at  ::  23
this  ::  43
Hello  ::  56
test  ::  43
who  ::  [56, 34, 44, 222]
Modified Deep copy of Dictionary : 
at  ::  23
this  ::  43
Hello  ::  56
test  ::  43
who  ::  [56, 34, 44, 222]
Original Dictionary : 
at  ::  23
this  ::  43
Hello  ::  56
test  ::  43
who  ::  [56, 34, 44, 222, 100]



使用 = 赋值运算符

old_list = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 'a']]
new_list = old_list

new_list[2][2] = 9

print('Old List:', old_list)
print('ID of Old List:', id(old_list))

print('New List:', new_list)
print('ID of New List:', id(new_list))

使用 copy 浅拷贝

import copy

old_list = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]
new_list = copy.copy(old_list)

print("Old list:", old_list)
print("New list:", new_list)

使用 deepcopy 深拷贝

import copy

old_list = [[1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2], [3, 3, 3]]
new_list = copy.deepcopy(old_list)

print("Old list:", old_list)
print("New list:", new_list)


import copy

class Point:
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'Point({self.x!r}, {self.y!r})'
>>> a = Point(23, 42)
>>> b = copy.copy(a)
>>> a
Point(23, 42)
>>> b
Point(23, 42)
>>> a is b

## 使用copy模块的copy方法
class Rectangle:
    def __init__(self, topleft, bottomright):
        self.topleft = topleft
        self.bottomright = bottomright

    def __repr__(self):
        return (f'Rectangle({self.topleft!r}, '
rect = Rectangle(Point(0, 1), Point(5, 6))
srect = copy.copy(rect)

>>> rect
Rectangle(Point(0, 1), Point(5, 6))
>>> srect
Rectangle(Point(0, 1), Point(5, 6))
>>> rect is srect
>>> rect.topleft.x = 999
>>> rect
Rectangle(Point(999, 1), Point(5, 6))
>>> srect
Rectangle(Point(999, 1), Point(5, 6))
>>> drect = copy.deepcopy(srect)
>>> drect.topleft.x = 222
>>> drect
Rectangle(Point(222, 1), Point(5, 6))
>>> rect
Rectangle(Point(999, 1), Point(5, 6))
>>> srect
Rectangle(Point(999, 1), Point(5, 6))
## 使用copy方法
class Rectangle(object):
    def __init__(self, topleft, bottomright):
        self.topleft = topleft
        self.bottomright = bottomright

    def __repr__(self):
        return (f'Rectangle({self.topleft!r}, '
    def copy(self):
        return Rectangle(self.topleft, self.bottomright)

r1  = Rectangle(20,30)
r2  =r1.copy()

>>> r1: Rectangle(20, 30)
>>> r2: Rectangle(20, 30)


class B(object):
    x = 3

CopyOfB = type('CopyOfB', B.__bases__, dict(B.__dict__))

b = B()
cob = CopyOfB()

print b.x   # Prints '3'
print cob.x # Prints '3'

b.x = 2
cob.x = 4

print b.x   # Prints '2'
print cob.x # Prints '4'

class C(object):
    x = []

CopyOfC = type('CopyOfC', C.__bases__, dict(C.__dict__))

c = C()
coc = CopyOfC()


print c.x   # Prints '[1, 2]' (!)
print coc.x # Prints '[1, 2]' (!)


how to deep copy a list




最近学到一个新词: 共克时艰 翻译成 英文 We are suffering ,希望和朋友们共勉。
