

Base on China official news to pop up virus cases on map.

How to contribute

Update case number or city

  1. Fork
    this repository
  2. Edit
    virus-data.json file
  3. Add
    or update
    city, number, news source
  4. Merge
    new a pull request

Update UI or other program

Please check out the following repo: 2020-virus-app

您可以到这里对 UI 或者其他自动化程序进行改进(比如爬虫): 2020-virus-app


All news sources should be published by Chinese goverment departments
请提交 merge request 的时候注意检查您的新闻源来自中国政府的官方机构

To be continue

Update UI/UX in this webview

Add auto Web crawlers to grab latest news & update sources