华为开发自己的 AppGallery 应用商店,已向开发者发出邀请

由于相关禁令,华为无法使用Google专有的Android版本,但华为正在开发一种替代Android的操作系统。而且华为还需要建立自己的app store来取代Google Play store,这实际上是华为自己的app store。名这款名为AppGallery的应用商店是华为应用市场的中国版本。现在华为正在邀请开发者积极参与华为AppGallery。



华为向Google Play的应用开发者发送此电子邮件并不奇怪。因为华为需要使用新的应用商店来弥补谷歌造成的损失,以保持国外用户的正常使用。


Subject: [OFFICIAL] Invitation to join Huawei AppGallery

Cher XXX team,

  • In the last 2 years, Huawei shipped over 350M phones, about half of them in western markets.

  • All Huawei phones have our official AppStore “AppGallery” preloaded globally, with 270 million monthly active users.

  • We realized that your great Android App XXX is not yet published in our AppGallery.

  • In order to guarantee a smooth usage of your App for our users, Huawei is committed to provide you with full support, to help you publish your App into AppGallery.

  • We would therefore like to invite you to join our 560k developers community for free, in our Huawei Developer portal.